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We match you with our bench lenders familiar with the Cannabis industry
Unlock the potential of your business with up to $5M in financing
Get approved in 24 hours with no hard credit pull
Our business financing has flexible terms and monthly or weekly payment options
With a large network of private capital and banks we can customize lending solutions
Term business loans from with competitive rates and up to 10 year terms.
Unsecured lines of credit up to $750k with access to funds in 2-5 days
Subordinate 2nd Lien Behind Senior Lender. No collateral or equity required
Up to $5M 100% financing for equipment with rates starting at 7%
Revolving Line of Credit for 95% of Accounts Receivable at prime + 2% rates
Fast Capital for Acquisitions
After a quick 60 second application we’ll setup a meeting with our team to go over the high level of what you’re looking for in your business.
Loans Deployed
Years of Experience
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Sarah Thompson
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Elena Rodriguez
Emily Collins
James Anderson
IT Consultant
Michael Carter
Financial Analyst
Alex Turner
Software Engineer